The movie directed by Bishodeep Ghimire, features superstar Dipesh Khadka,Suraj Ranabhat ETC. This movie is produced by Anushak Khadka and Rita KC. Audio and video production of Budhasubba Music Centre. Exclusively published by Budha Subba Digital online you tube platform.Nepali film industry has got its won history-in the field of making movies,but it has got its own trend and culture which is taken from our own tradition where we can find more than one hundred cultural diversity according to castes, geography and heritage of country. It is known as “Nepali Chalchitra” or kollywood industry. Furthermore, Nepali Movies are the key tool to give an education and awareness towards the audiences about social, political, economic,and various issues of the society.
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Nepali Folk Musical Instruments and Cultural Group will be held until November 29 at the Rastriya Nachghar in Jamal in the Capital.Inaugurating the festival, Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Ananda Prasad Pokharel stressed the need on part of the local communities to take the initiative for preservation of the folk cultures rather than waiting for the state to do so.
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